Monday, May 31, 2010

Sleeping with the enemy - the enemy within

Sometime they just happen to be. Sometimes they are planted. Sometimes they get there. The enemy within. Dangerous, damaging, and above all a nuisance. No matter how much one wishes to be without them, somehow they would be there. Welcome to 21st Century Politics.

One key aspect that political parties allied or alone should focus on in order to succeed is to attempt to eradicate or minimize the number of enemies within. Particularly the ones who seek to compromise the collective mission.

But how does one identify the enemy within? Do they wear 'i'm the enemy' badge? Do they compromise collective target for their own agenda? Do they attempt to kill friends with 'accidental' friendly fire? Are they too loud mouthed to give away the position to the real enemy? or Are they simply stupid ? Or Do they play stupid to be smart?

Even though following the news on DhiTV, TVM, VTV, DhiFM, SunFM, Haveeru, Miadhu, or Aaafathis may be of some assistance in identifying the likely 'enemies within' it would be often difficult to identify and deal with them before its too late.

As they come in all shapes and sizes, be it DRP, MDP, DQM, Jumhooree, QI, PA or any other political party or a coalition, identifying and dealing with the 'Enemy Within' would remain one of the greatest challenges for political parties and coalitions to get the Government or remain in the Government.

Related articles:
Coalition politics: the enemy within
The Enemy Within: Angela Merkel's Fight to Hold on to Power